[繁體中文] 第 43 週更新
本文為 Harvest Finance Twitter最新更新,相關資訊點選 : https://twitter.com/harvest_finance/status/1407741353530961921
第 43 週 回顧
👉 提案 @Bancor is LIVE
👉 再修正 @Uniswap V3 Vaults
👉 $fCASH ft. @UMAprotocol
👉肥沃的土地 @zapper_fi
👉 抵銷 CO2 排放
1/ 超過 90% 的選票支持我們在 @Bancor 的提案,我們依據開放新的聲音
2/ 新的@Uniswap V3 Vaults 調整 $ETH 的範圍
3/ 您現在可以透過將您的 $iFARM 作為抵押品來鑄造 $fCASH https://fcash.farmdashboard.xyz
來點讚喔 @UMAprotocol 🙏
4/ 您現在可以在此地點探索我們的農場 @zapper_fi
Visit: https://zapper.fi/farm
5/ Harvest 是第一個擁有碳權排放的 DAO @MCO2token
6/ 最後,讓我們看看第 43 週的發行量
本附錄由 Yogafire (harvest 主持人之一)為對每週發行量細節感到好奇的人所撰寫 。
免責聲明:本文翻譯是由 Harvest Finance 社區成員義務協助,並非由Harvest Finance 官方正式翻譯文。 儘管譯者已盡一切努力提供準確性,但某些部分可能不正確。 對於本網頁所提供的翻譯,若有任何錯誤,遺漏或歧義,Harvest Finance不承擔任何責任。 任何引用本翻譯內容的個人或實體,均需自擔風險。 對於本翻譯信息的準確性,可靠性或及時性造成的任何損失,Harvest Finance 概不負責。
📉 $FARM 第 43 週的發行量與上週的量 4,378.79. 相比,進一步降低了4.44%。 這是減發社區投票的一部分,其中99.12%的投票贊成該減發的計劃。 在確保有足夠的發行量以引導關鍵流動性並激勵資本提供者之後,額外的發行量將為 Harvest 帶來減少報酬。
2,935.17 $FARM (70.15% of week 43) will be distributed to capital and liquidity providers as follows:
🤑 174.85 $FARM (4.18% of week 43) to WETH deposits into Harvest yield farming:
- 116.57 $FARM for WETH pool
- 58.28 $FARM for CRV:STETH pool
🎉 87.43 $FARM (2.09% of week 43) to stablecoin deposits into Harvest yield farming:
- 45.15 $FARM for USDC pool
- 14.37 $FARM for USDT pool
- 27.91 $FARM for DAI pool
- 0 $FARM for TUSD pool
🚀 139.88 $FARM (3.34% of week 43) to Curve deposits into Harvest yield farming:
- 2.91 $FARM for YCRV pool
- 29.14 $FARM for 3CRV pool
- 58.28 $FARM for CRV-USDN pool
- 13.11 $FARM for CRV-BUSD pool
- 8.74 $FARM for CRV-COMPOUND pool
- 7.29 $FARM for CRV-HUSD pool
- 5.82 $FARM for CRV-EURS pool
- 1.75 $FARM for CRV-UST pool
- 1.75 $FARM for CRV-GUSD pool
- 5.83 $FARM for CRV-USDP pool
- 5.25 $FARM for CRV-LINK pool
- 0 $FARM for CRV-AAVE pool
₿ 83.06 $FARM (1.99% of week 43) to BTC deposits into Harvest yield farming:
- 1.46 $FARM for wBTC pool
- 0 $FARM for renBTC pool
- 34.97 $FARM for CRV:renwBTC pool
- 0 $FARM for CRV:TBTC pool
- 20.40 $FARM for CRV:HBTC pool
- 26.23 $FARM for CRV-OBTC pool
🍣 150.67 $FARM (4.23% of week 43) to SUSHI deposits into Harvest yield farming:
- 34.97 $FARM for ETH-DAI pool
- 17.49 $FARM for ETH-WBTC pool
- 58.28 $FARM for ETH-USDT pool
- 32.06 $FARM for ETH-USDC pool
- 3.21 $FARM for SUSHI-ETH pool
- 3.21 $FARM for ETH-UST pool
- 1.46 $FARM for ETH-PERP pool
📊 13.70 $FARM (0.33% of week 43) to UNI(V2) LP stakers into Harvest yield farming:
- 8.16 $FARM for ETH-DPI pool
- 3.79 $FARM for ETH-MVI pool
- 0 $FARM for COMFI-ETH pool
- 1.75 $FARM for KXUSD-DAI pool
👴 0 $FARM (0% of week 43) to Seigniorage deposits into Harvest yield farming:
- 0 $FARM for BAC-DAI pool
- 0 $FARM for BAS-DAI pool
📈 19.82 $FARM (0.47% of week 43) to MStonks deposits into Harvest yield farming:
- 3.50 $FARM for mAAPL pool
- 2.33 $FARM for mAMZN pool
- 3.50 $FARM for mGOOG pool
- 3.50 $FARM for mTSLA pool
- 3.50 $FARM for mNFLX pool
- 3.50 $FARM for mTWTR pool
🖼 22.15 $FARM (0.53% of week 43) to MUSE deposits into Harvest yield farming
- 3.50 $FARM for MUSE-ETH pool
- 3.50 $FARM for DUDES20-ETH pool
- 2.91 $FARM for MASK20-ETH pool
- 3.50 $FARM for ROPE20-ETH pool
- 2.33 $FARM for MCAT20-ETH pool
- 3.50 $FARM for MEME20-ETH pool
- 2.91 $FARM for GPUNKS20-ETH pool
🚠 189.43 $FARM (4.53% of week 43) to LIFT deposits into Harvest yield farming
- 43.71 $FARM for LFBTC-LIFT pool
- 145.71 $FARM for WBTC-LFBTC pool
🦄 327.85 $FARM (7.84% of week 43) to UNI(V3) LP stakers into Harvest yield farming:
- 54.65 $FARM for V3-USDC:WETH (ETH Range: 1.4K⟷2.4K)
- 18.21 $FARM for V3-USDC:WETH (ETH Range: 1.9K⟷3.5K)
- 29.14 $FARM for V3-USDC:USDT
- 36.43 $FARM for V3-WBTC:WETH
- 54.65 $FARM for V3-WETH:USDT (ETH Range: 1.4K⟷2.4K)
- 18.21 $FARM for V3-WETH:USDT (ETH Range: 1.9K⟷3.5K)
- 29.14 $FARM for V3-DAI:USDC
- 43.71 $FARM for V3-DAI:WETH (ETH Range: 1.4K⟷2.4K)
- 14.57 $FARM for V3-DAI:WETH (ETH Range: 1.9K⟷3.5K)
- 29.14 $FARM for V3-UNI-WETH
🧜♀️ 22.44 $FARM (0.54% of week 43) to liquidity providers in [BSC] Venus yield farming:
- 2.04 $FARM for Venus-DAI pool
- 3.21 $FARM for Venus-USDC pool
- 2.33 $FARM for Venus-USDT pool
- 2.33 $FARM for Venus-BUSD pool
- 2.04 $FARM for Venus-XVS pool
- 2.04 $FARM for Venus-VAI pool
- 2.04 $FARM for Venus-BETH pool
- 2.04 $FARM for Venus-ETH pool
- 2.04 $FARM for Venus-BTCB pool
- 2.33 $FARM for Venus-WBNB pool
🚜 10.20 $FARM (0.24% of week 43) to liquidity providers in [BSC] Belt yield farming:
- 3.50 $FARM for Belt:BNB pool
- 3.50 $FARM for Belt:ETH pool
- 3.21 $FARM for Belt:BTCB pool
🥞 34.10 $FARM (0.81% of week 43) to liquidity providers in [BSC] PancakeSwap yield farming:
- 2.33 $FARM for Pan-BUSD:BNB pool
- 3.50 $FARM for Pan-Cake pool
- 2.04 $FARM for Pan-ETH:BNB pool
- 2.04 $FARM for Pan-USDT:BNB pool
- 2.62 $FARM for Pan-XVS:BNB pool
- 2.91 $FARM for Pan-Cake:BNB pool
- 2.62 $FARM for Pan-Belt:BNB pool
- 2.91 $FARM for Pan-SPACE:BNB pool
- 2.62 $FARM for Pan-SPACE:BUSD pool
- 3.21 $FARM for Pan-EPS:BNB pool
- 2.04 $FARM for Pan-EPS:FUSDT pool
- 3.21 $FARM for Pan-EPS:BTC pool
- 2.04 $FARM for Pan-EPS:3POOL pool
🦆 9.03 $FARM (0.22% of week 43) to liquidity providers in [BSC] Goose yield farming:
- 4.37 $FARM for Goose-EGG:BNB pool
- 4.66 $FARM for Goose-EGG:BUSD pool
- 0 $FARM for Goose-EGG pool
🍣 2.91 $FARM (0.07% of week 43) to [BSC] SUSHI deposits into Harvest yield farming:
- 2.91 $FARM for Sushi-ICE:BNB pool
👨🌾 437.14 $FARM (10.45% of week 43) to $FARM stakers in the profit share.
🚜 29.14 $FARM (0.70% of week 43) to $FARM liquidity providers in the Uniswap WETH/FARM
🌾 20.92 $FARM (0.5% of week 43) to GRAIN:
- 6.28 $FARM for FARM-GRAIN pool
- 14.64 $FARM for GRAIN buyback Bot
🏦 1,218.74 (29.13% of week 43) $FARM is set aside as a strategic reserve for future usage. It can be used for further incentivization opportunities e.g. market-making GRAIN, for incentivizing LPs, for combining into FARM/X LP positions later, or burning.
The strategic reserve address is:
- 0x19762b3b0Fe9b4d4Bd16eFA242CD1f3bCD5fa57C (before Mar. 30th)
- 0xd00fce4966821da1edd1221a02af0afc876365e4 (after Mar. 30th)