[繁體中文] 第 22 週 更新
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#FarmersMarket : A weekly look back at what’s fresh with @harvest_finance
1 — New Curve Strategies!
Support for both $renBTC and $GUSD were added at the end of the week, with FARM rewards expected for Tuesday (2/2) when the emission distribution updates
@harvest_finance is adding new strategies left and right, TVL nearing $600M and $FARM on the move for the past two weeks. I guess people like actual cash profits $KBTC $CVR $GUSD $ETH $renBTC @keep_project@Gemini
2 — Counsel of 69 — @perpprotocol
The first Counsel of 69 investment of $50K with PerpFi has turned into over $240K, and approximately half the tokens still remain vested. A vote will be held to determine the best usage of these funds!
3 — Market(ing) Makers
A new Marketing contest is giving away prizes to those who can create the best marketing and educational materials about Harvest Finance. $6000 in $FARM up for grabs!

4 — Farming Trifecta
The soil across the Harvest Farmlands has proven to be fertile, bringing forth an abundance of Profit Sharing, Buybacks and Price Action.
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